Negros Oriental, Philippines

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The island of Negros is the second largest in the Visayas region in the Philippines, after Panay. Negritos, Malays and Chinese long inhabited the island called Buglas, after a kind of tall grass resembling the present-day sugar cane plant.

Along the coastline dwelt natives of Malayan heritage who were engaged in agricultural activities and barter trade with Chinese and other Asian merchants who came to the islands as early as the 13th century. Although no written documents have been found, artifacts and relics belonging to the Sung Dynasty period in the 12th century were excavated in the towns of Bacong, Bayawan and La Libertad in Negros Oriental and Escalante in Negros Occidental.

This indicates a flourishing trade and commerce with other neighboring countries such as China, India and the Malayan peninsula prior to the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores on what they would eventually call Las Islas Filipinas (Philippine Islands), which they named after their king, Philip of Spain. Source

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