Camarines Sur, Philippines
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The history of Camarines Sur has been an amalgam of cross-sectoral developments and outside influences. Folklore and scientific researches have it that, thousands of years ago, there was a wandering tribe of Tabon men inhabiting a vast area of verdant, fertile plains and rolling hills. The gentle, cave-dwelling Tabon families who subsequently developed a common culture and called themselves Ibalon, and their land of bounty was called Tiera de Ibalon. The name could well refer to the entire Island of Luzon, but later been commonly adopted to refer specifically to the present Kabikolan region. The name Kabikolan was derived from the word biko, meaning bent, crooked or twisted, denoting the place along the Bicol River s meandering course.
After years of research initiated by Govenor Luis R. Villafuerte since his first term as Governor in local and national records and even up to the archives in Spain the official foundation date of the Province was finally confirmed to be May 27, 1579. Governor General Francisco Sande issued the Decree, which led t the establishment of a settlement in a place called Camarines where Spanish Colonists were urged to reside.
In 1829, Parido de Camarines was divided into Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte. In 1854, the two provinces were united to form the Province of Ambos Camarines , but again separated in 1857 until 1893. Record showed that the two provinces jointly called Ambos Camarines underwent several fusions, annexations and repartitions and were finally separated into Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte with their present day boundaries by virtue of the Philippine Legislative Act No. 2711 of March 10, 1917. Source
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