Masbate, Philippines
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The islands of Masbate were formed out of Volcanic rocks over one hundred million years later, humans made their appearance in the tropical regions of the earth. They lived on wild animals, plants, and fruits. They made tools of stone, bone, and wood. Some of these very early stone stools and bones have been found in Masbate.
Village settling grew from the development of farming; pottery flourished, stone tools were improved and the early Masbate farmers made axes of polished stones. Many stone axes of this kind have been found in Masbate. They are the remains of the first farmers who used the axes to cut down trees. The early farmers also made beautiful ornaments of shells. They buried their dead in burial caves and jars. Two large caves in Masbate, the Bat-ongan Cave in Mandaon and the Kalanay Cave in Aroroy are known worldwide as burial caves.
About four hundred years B.C., iron and glass as well as woven cloth appeared in Masbate. The stone tools gradually disappeared; agriculture improved. Beautiful decorated pottery were produced. Unearthed fragments of porcelain tell of the brisk trade that existed with China.
When Captain Luis Enriquez de Guzman anchored on the shores of Masbate in 1569, he found tiny settlements spread along the coasts engaged in flourishing trade with China. Chinese traders visited Masbate and founded small settlements during the Shri-Vijayan and Madjapahit periods. Ruins of cave-like dwellings resembling “kiva” (possibly built by Indians who accompanied the Chinese traders), were found along the coasts of Aroroy, Palanas, and Masbate. Porcelain jars dating back to the 10th century were excavated at Kalanay (Aroroy) in the 1930s.
Historical accounts show that the Christianization of the Bicol Region actually began in Masbate in 1569:
Father Alonso Jimenez was the first missionary to the islands of Masbate, Burias, Leyte and Samar. Then he went to Ibalon (Bicol) in the province of Camarines, where he resided many years, and made many religious incursions into Albay and Sorsogon. Fray Jimenez is considered the apostle of the island of Masbate. Source
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